Q: How can I make a reservation at Flamboyant Diani?
A: To make a reservation at Flamboyant Diani, you can visit our official website at www.flamboyantdiani.com and use our online booking system. Alternatively, you can contact our reservation team directly by calling +254717849847 or sending an email to Book@flamboyantdiani.com
Q: What is the check-in and check-out time at Flamboyant Diani?
A: Our standard check-in time is at 12.00 noon and check-out time is at 10.00 am Early check-in or late check-out requests are subject to availability and may incur additional charges.
Q: Is there parking available at the hotel?
A: Yes, we provide complimentary parking facilities for guests staying at Flamboyant Diani. Our parking area is secure and well-maintained.
Q: Does Flamboyant Diani offer airport or railway station transfers?
A: Yes, we can arrange with one of our preferred taxis to provide an airport or railway station transfer services upon request. Please contact our reservation team in advance to arrange your airport transfer and provide them with your flight details. The transfer fee is paid directly to the driver.
Q: Are pets allowed at Flamboyant Diani?
A: Unfortunately, we do not allow pets at our hotel, with the exception of service animals as required by law.
Q: Does the hotel provide Wi-Fi?
A: Yes, we offer complimentary Wi-Fi access throughout the hotel premises, allowing you to stay connected during your stay at Flamboyant Diani.
Q: Are there any recreational facilities at the hotel?
A: Flamboyant Diani offers some recreational facilities, including a swimming pool, beach volleyball, and beach tennis court as well as easy beach access. Enjoy a relaxing and rejuvenating experience during your stay. We can also help you arrange, snorkeling trips, motorbike or peddle bike hire, sunset river trips, and much more.
Q: Does Flamboyant Diani have a restaurant on-site?
A: Yes, we have an on-site a la carte restaurant that serves a variety of tasty food all day with the last order at 9.30 pm. Start your day with a complimentary breakfast and savor delectable dishes throughout the day.
Q: Can special dietary requirements be accommodated?
A: Yes, we strive to accommodate the special dietary requirements of our guests. Please inform our restaurant staff in advance about any specific dietary needs, and we will do our best to cater to them.
Q: What are the nearby attractions and activities?
A: Flamboyant Diani is located in close proximity to various attractions and activities, such as beautiful beaches, water sports, nature reserves, and cultural sites. Our concierge team will be happy to assist you with recommendations and arrangements for exploring the local area. Flamboyant is within walking distance of shops and restaurants.